

1st City Issues . Tongji International Symposium
City and Real Estate Risk Management

(CI . TIS)

20101016-20101017日,中国 . 上海)

(October 16-17, 2010ShanghaiChina)


本次会议将于20101016-1017日在中国 . 上海同济大学召开。本届成立大会由同济大学主办,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院、经济与管理学院,美国罗斯福大学共同承办,上海新华社经济信息中心特别支持,将为全球城市规划、管理学者,房地产学者,业界人士及相关政府官员提供一个高水平、多维度的互动平台,加强其在相关领域间的广泛沟通和信息交流。

From October 16 to 17, 2010, the “City Issues . Tongji International Symposium?City and Real Estate Risk Management” will be held in Shanghai Tongji University, China. The Symposium will be hosted by Tongji University and co-organized by the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, College of Economics and Management and Roosevelt University (United States). The Shanghai Bureau News & Information Centre provides special support. The Symposium aims at building a professional and interactive platform for participants from different disciplines, including urban planning, economic management and real estate development, where exchange of ideas as well as extensive communication could be enhanced.


The Symposium is composed of two parts: the first focusing on keynote speeches regarding the updated theories and research results on the city and real estate risk management; the second offering several sub-forums or sessions, where participants will discuss global hot topics. During the symposium, participants will make a field trip to the Shanghai EXPO sites and the Post-disaster reconstruction projects in Sichuan. Taking the influence of the sub-prime mortgage crisis in America into account, participants will conduct a case study to gain insight into the negative effects upon the real estate market.


We would be greatly honored by your participation in this event.




Theme I: Risk Management of Large Scale Urban Development


Sub-theme 1: Coping with Natural and Ecological Risks


Sub-theme 2: Social Risks and Urban Heritage Conservation


Sub-theme 3: Risk Management of Construction Projects in Urban Development Areas


Sub-theme 4: Risk Management of Large Infrastructure Projects


Forum Theme: Risk Management of Real Estate


Sub-theme 1: Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis and the International Real Estate Market


Sub-theme 2: Precautionary and Monitoring Systems of Real Estate


Sub-theme 3: Risk Management of Real Estate Development


Sub-theme 4: Real Estate Market Bubble and Economic Risks


专题讨论:Panel Discussion:


Theme I:    The Positive Interaction between Housing Construction Plan for Low- Income Families and Urban Real Estate


Theme II:   Challenges and Risks presented by the Disney-Park Project after Shanghai World EXPO 2010


Theme III: Risk Precautions and Monitoring System of Real Estate


Theme IV:   Future Orientation of China’s Financial Policies on Real Estate Development



Submission Deadline:

Please submit your paper’s abstract before June 28, 2010 and submit the paper before August 15, 2010 (subject to e-mail submission date). We will inform you, whether you have been selected or not, before September 15, 2010. The selected paper will be published in the Symposium Paper Collection. The editorial departments of Urban Planning Forum and Ideal Space will provide assistance on paper selection. The most excellent paper will be recommended for publishing by the professional journals Urban Planning Forum and Ideal Space.



Requirements on Paper Presentation:

The abstract should include the following details:

a) Paper title/full name/working unit /current position/contact information (correspondence address incl. zip code, telephone number, fax and e-mail address);

b) Bilingual title in English and Chinese, keywords and bilingual abstract of less than 300 words in English and Chinese.

The format for the full paper submission will be sent to you after we receive your abstract.



Paper Submission: Please follow the requirements above and return abstract and paper via e-mail to info@ci-tis.com before submission deadline. For your e-mail use as reference: “1st International CI-TIC Symposium.” For more information please refer to our website: www.ci-tis.com.





Paper Selection Coordinators:  

Mr. WEN Xiaoyi13917582588, tjplanner@126.com

            Mr. REN Chenchen13818112462, ayaks@qq.com

Paper Submission E-mail: info@ci-tis.com




联 系 人:夏南凯、何芳

电子邮件: info@ci-tis.com


Contact Information

Contacts: Prof. XIA Nankai or Ms. HE Fang

Correspondence: College of Architecture and Urban Planning / College of Economics and Management1239 Siping Rd., Tongji University, Shanghai, China

Zip Code: 200092

E-Mail: info@ci-tis.com

Tel86-21-6598293065988817   Fax86-21-55570761





College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University

College of Economics and Management, Tongji University

CI.TIS Organizing Team



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