
【主  题】:The Private Equity Industry in Japan and Korea
【时  间】:5月19日  星期六  13:30-16:30
【地  点】:赤峰路50号 同济大学经济与管理学院 云通楼221会议室
【主讲人】: Daniel Roh 博士


【主讲人简介】:Dr. Daniel Roh is a visiting research scholar at the International Institute for Japanese Studies in Kyoto, Japan, where he is working on a   book project on the history of the stock market of Japan. He also is a foreign expert at Tongji University’s School of Economics. Previously, Dr. Roh was the representative of the East Asia Peace Investment Program, a nonprofit organization in Seoul, Korea, and he was the Chief Executive Officer of NI Enterprise, a financial research firm in Tokyo, Japan. After leaving his academic position at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 1997, Dr. Roh was a management and investment consultant in Japan and Korea, helping several venture capital and hedge funds secure external investment.  Dr. Roh earned a PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA.


【演讲内容简介】:China, Korea and Japan share many common characteristics such as the rapid industrial development and the role finance played in that process. Capital sourcing and intermediation in these countries is dominated by indirect or bank-centered financing and not by the direct or capital-market financing. Both in Japan and Korea the role played by private equity and venture capital in intermediating capital does not reflect the level of economic maturity and does not meet the professed national goal of liberalizing the capital markets. Some of the key characteristics and emerging trends of the Japanese and Korean private equity industry are presented to provide a solid basis for comparative implications for China.



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