
【题目】:Context-aware Applications for Mobile Handheld Devices – Bridging Convenience, Ubiquity, and Effectiveness
【主 讲 人】:张东松教授
【讲座时间】:2012年6月8日下午 13:30-15:00


The use of mobile handheld devices such as cell phones and PDAs becomes pervasive in our daily life. Many applications have been developed for handheld devices, such as wireless Web portals, mobile advertising, and mobile healthcare systems. The ability to communicate at virtually any place and the convergence of the Web and wireless technologies offer an unprecedented level of flexibility, accessibility, and convenience to users of mobile handheld devices, particularly for ubiquitous information access. On the other hand, the convenience of mobile devices for information access has been compromised by the challenges posed by some unique constraints of mobile handheld devices (e.g., small screen size, limited memory, CPU, and battery), wireless networks, and the mobility of users.
Aiming to address the above challenges and achieve the great potential of mobile handheld devices, in recent years, context-aware mobile applications—mobile computational systems that can sense clues about the situational environment and enable appropriate mechanisms of interaction between end users and systems—have gained increasing recognition as one of the emerging technologies in this field. This talk will introduce several context-aware mobile applications such as mobile Web and mHealth and discuss research issues in this area.

张东松教授于2002年获美国亚利桑那大学Eller管理学院管理信息系统专业博士学位。现就职于美国马里兰大学巴尔的摩郡分校信息系统系。张东松教授的主要研究兴趣包括移动手持设备的人机交互, 知识管理,网上社区, 电子商务,及网上诈骗的自动识别等。自2002年以来他从美国国家卫生院,美国国家自然科学基金,中国国家自然科学基金,中国科学院, 谷歌公司,香港科技大学等获得多项研究赞助。已发表高质量国际期刊论文40余篇(其中30+篇为SCI/SSCI索引),国际学术会议文章将近50篇,及5个书籍章节。他的学术论文发表在许多国际顶级和核心期刊上,包括MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, Communications of the ACM和 Decision Support Systems。
张东松教授的研究成果在国际信息系统领域有广泛的影响。根据Google Scholar的统计,他的文章在2007年后已被引用超过1500次。张东松博士曾经担任多个国际学术会议的会议主席或程序委员会主席, 例如The 10th Workshop on E-Business (Web 2011), International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2010),IEEE Symposium on Advanced Management of Information for Globalized Enterprises (AMIGE’08),The Second China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2008),和 The Asia-Pacific E-Government Workshop (2006)等。他也将是2012年在北京举行的中国信息管理夏季研讨会的联合主席。张东松博士曾受邀担任美国自然科学基金委(National Science Foundation),中国自然科学基金委,加拿大自然科学和工程研究委员会,美国马里兰州、 印第安纳州 和肯德基州的科学和工程基金委, 及香港城市大学科研基金的评委。目前,他是国际期刊Information Systems Management的高级主编(Senior Editor), Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA)、Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (JECR) 和Pacific Asian Journal of the Association for Information Systems的副主编(Associate Editor),以及International Journal of Electronic Business、International Journal of Handheld Computing Research和Journal of Database Management的编委会成员。张东松博士曾担任过IEEE Transactions on Services Computing、Electronic Commerce Research and Applications、Journal of Database Management、Journal of Electronic Commerce Research、Journal of Information Systems and e-Business Management等期刊的特刊编辑。



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