Management and Organization Research Seminars (No.9)

【主 题】:如何有效地发表高质量的论文
【主 讲 人】:Prof. Deli Yang  (Trinity University)
【主要内容】:Effectively Publishing for your Career


Your career success heavily depends on the effective publication of scholarly papers, but you struggle to convert your ideas into research output. Or you simply want to climb your career ladder, but you cannot get published as effectively as you desire! These sound familiar, right? Please come and join us for the last of the seminar series given by Professor Yang. This session is the voice of experience from the scholar’s own publishing journey. 
Main Contents
    Managing Publishing: A Great Start 
    Contents of A Paper
    Revisions and Submission
    Revisions, Resubmissions and Publishing
    Reject, Revisions and Submission Elsewhere


Prof. Deli Yang,是美国Trinity University (San Antonio, Texas) 国际商务endowed distinguished professor。 在英国曼彻斯特大学获得博士学位, 她的研究聚焦于国际商务视角的知识产权,是该跨学科领域的先驱者,因为她未从传统的视角——法律和经济研究知识产权,她的研究在知识产权、国际商务、全球化领域居于国际前沿。她出版两本专著,在诸多国际主流期刊发表40多篇论文,例如Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of World Business, Research Policy, Technovation, Long Range Planning, Management International Review。 一些论文成为期刊阅读最多的论文,被遴选再版于其它书籍,选为Academy of International Business等国际商务领域主流会议的最佳论文。她一直与跨国公司、政府和国际组织合作,以确保理论研究与实践的结合以及知识贡献的社会价值。 她担任世界知识产权局为顾问,负责知识产权的比较研究。




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