AIS主席、信息管理国际知名学者Douglas R. Vogel教授讲座 ——管理科学与工程系讲座

Title: Group Support in the Workplace: a Knowledge Management  Perspective
Presenter: Douglas R. Vogel (Professor of IS, AIS President)
Time: Oct. 10, 2012 (Wed.) 2:30 – 4: 30 pm
Venue: G110 (Jiading Campus)



Knowledge management is a perennial issue in organizations. Multiple behavioural as well as technical issues are relevant with both intended (and untended) effects at individual (as employees, managers and executives) as well as group and organizational levels. In this presentation, I will look at a number of aspects of group support in the workplace from a knowledge management perspective in the context of research successes (and failures) with which I been personally involved over the past 30 years with special emphasis on studies in Chinese domains. Issues of organizational impact as well as individual and group effects including cultural differences will be addressed. Implications for the future of technology to support group support in the workplace from a knowledge management perspective in line with future research will be suggested.


Presenter’s Biography

Douglas R. Vogel is Professor of Information Systems and is an Association for Information Systems (AIS) Fellow as well as AIS President. He received his M.S. in Computer Science from U.C.L.A. and his Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from the University of Minnesota where he was also research coordinator for the MIS Research Center. In a ten year relationship with a Colorado electronics manufacturer he served in virtually every technical and managerial capacity including Director of Engineering, General Manager and member of the Board of Directors. He has published widely and been recognized as the most cited IS author in Asia Pacific. Professor Vogel’s teaching and research interests bridge the business and academic communities in addressing issues of information system creation and impact on aspects of interpersonal communication, group problem solving, cooperative learning, and multi-cultural team productivity. His interests reflect a concern for encouraging efficient and effective utilization of computer systems in an atmosphere conducive to enhancing the quality of life. He is especially active in introducing group support technology into enterprises and educational systems. His particular focus emphasizes integration of audio, video, and data in interactive distributed group support. Additional detail can be found at


Doug Vogel教授简介:

Douglas R. Vogel教授现任香港城市大学信息系统系教授、管理系执行主任,国际信息系统协会(即Association for Information Systems,简称AIS)会士(Fellow)和现任主席;美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)计算机科学硕士、美国明尼苏达大学管理信息系统(MIS)博士;曾任明尼苏达大学MIS研究中心研究协调员,亚利桑那大学助理教授、副教授,香港城市大学教授、讲席教授;他曾在一家科罗拉多州电子制造商服务十年,历任工程总监、总经理和董事等多个技术和管理职位。Vogel教授著述颇丰,有大量论文发表在国际顶级和著名的学术期刊上(如Management Science、MIS Quarterly、Journal of Management Information Systems、Academy of Management Journal、Decision Science、Decision Support Systems、Communications of the ACM、Information & Management等),被认为是亚太地区最引用最多的信息系统学者(2009年)、合作最广泛的MIS学者之一(2002年)、以及群体支持系统领域Top-3和MIS领域Top-10的国际顶尖学者(1998年)。Vogel教授的教学和科研兴趣在于桥接商业界和学术界,旨在解决信息系统创造及其对于人际沟通、团体问题解决、合作学习、多文化团队生产力的影响等问题;他关注如何在一个有利于提高生存质量的环境下鼓励对于计算机系统的有效率、有效果的利用,尤其热心于将群体支持技术引入到企业和教育系统中,特别强调音频、视频和数据在互动分布式群体支持中的整合。关于Vogel教授的更详细信息参见其个人主页


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