

报告人:香港城市大学信息系统系终身教授Dr. Yulin Fang






Dr. Yulin Fang is an Associate Professor (with Tenure) at the Department of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong (CityU). He received his PhD degree at the Richard Ivey School of Business, the University of Western Ontario.


Dr. Fang is currently an Associate Editor for MIS QuarterlyInformation Systems Research, and Information Systems Journal, and a Track Co-Chair for ICIS 2013 and PACIS 2013.


His primary research areas are knowledge management & innovationstrategic and organizational impacts of IT servicedistributed work arrangements, nd e-commerce.


Dr. Fang has a total of 83 academic publications: 35 journal articles, 45 conference articles, and 3 books/book chapters. He has published (or have accepted for publication) articles in the leading Management and IS journals, such as the  Strategic Management Journal (SMJ), Information Systems Research (ISR), MIS Quarterly (MISQ), the J. of Management Information Systems (JMIS), the J. of Management Studies (JMS), Organizational Research Methods (ORM), the  J. of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), Decision Support Systems (DSS), IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (IEEE EM) and others.


His research on open source communities won one of the only five 2009 Senior Scholars Best IS Publication Awards offered by the Association for Information Systems (AIS), and was recognized as a "top 12" seminal paper published in the 30-year history of Journal of Management Information Systems.  His research on intra/inter-organizational knowledge transfer in multinational enterprises (Fang et al. 2010, JMS) was one of the three finalists for the Samsung Best Paper Award and the Carolyn Dexter Award at the Academy of Management (AOM).


Dr. Fang is a program co-director of the Master of Business Information Systems program (MScBIS) with an annual intake of 120 taught-master students, and a residence master of the Sir Gordon and Lady Ivy Wu Hall hosting 350 undergraduate students.


报告摘要Dr. Fang将结合自己在MIS QuarterlyDallas 24 & FT40之一)上的一篇待刊论文,介绍自己在顶级期刊论文写作和发表方面的经验和心得。论文题目和摘要如下。


Trust, Satisfaction and Online Repurchase Intention: The Moderating Role of Perceived Effectiveness of E-commerce Institutional Mechanisms



The effects of e-commerce institutional mechanisms on trust and online purchase have traditionally been understood in the initial online purchase context. This study extends this literature by exploring the role of e-commerce institutional mechanisms in the online repurchase context. In doing so, it responds to the emerging call for understanding the institutional context under which customer trust operates in an e-commerce environment. Specifically, this study introduces a key moderator, perceived effectiveness of e-commerce institutional mechanisms (PEEIM) to the relationships between trust, satisfaction and repurchase intention. Drawing on the theory of organizational trust, and based on a survey across 362 online returning customers, we find that PEEIM negatively moderates the relationship between trust in an online vendor and online customer repurchase intention, as it decreases the importance of trust to promoting repurchase behavior. We also find that PEEIM positively moderates the relationship between customer satisfaction and trust as it enhances the customers’ reliance on past transaction experience with the vendor to reevaluate their trust in the vendor. Consistent with the predictions made in the literature, PEEIM does not directly affect trust or repurchase intention. Academic and practical implications and future research directions are discussed. 


Keywords: E-commerce, trust, online repurchase intention, e-commerce institutional mechanisms, moderation analysis, partial least square modeling



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