
讲座内容:Taking it up a notch: Aiming for A Journals

主 讲 人:Charlene Zietsma,Schulich School of Business,York University

讲座时间 (Time) : 20141118日(周二) 下午13:30

讲座地点 (Venue): 同济大学经济与管理学院同济大厦A楼510



授课教授简介:(Bio of Speaker)

Charlene Zietsma is Associate Professor, Ann Brown Chair of Organization Studies and Director of Entrepreneurial Studies at the Schulich School of Business, York University. She earned her doctorate at the University of British Columbia, and has previously taught at the Ivey School of Business at Western University and the University of Victoria. Charlene studies processes of social innovation, entrepreneurship and institutional change, particularly in the context of conflicts or collaborations related to sustainability. She has published research in Administrative Sciences Quarterly, the Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Organization Studies, the Journal of Business Venturing and other journals. She is a senior editor at Organization Studies, and serves on several other editorial boards. She has also published more than two dozen teaching case studies, consulted with growth-oriented entrepreneurial ventures, taught executive programs to a variety of clients and served on several boards of directors.


授课语言:英语 English


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