

Outstanding research and special seminar on world famous storyteller Hans Christian Andersen

On Saturday May 8, the University of Southern Denmark organizes a conference where five of our acclaimed professors present five outstanding examples of research from our different faculties. On Sunday May 9, we will present a seminar focusing on the world famous storyteller Hans Christian Andersen.

For details on the programme please visit our website www.sdu.dk/EXPO2010 or refer to the attached pdf-file.

Experience the Danish EXPO pavilion and the University of Southern Denmark

Both events are taking place at the Danish EXPO pavilion and we would like to invite you, your colleagues and your most promising postgraduate students to share the day with us and experience the University of Southern Denmark as well as the Danish EXPO pavilion.

Participation is free of charge. We will cover entrance ticket and host a lunch on 8 May as well as a light meal on 9 May. Bus transportation will also be available.  


Please fill in the online registration form:

https://www.sdu.dk/Nyheder/EXPO2010/ExpoParticipation.aspx or the attached form and follow the directions.

Contact Details

For more details please contact Cecilia Cheng at the Nordic Centre in Shanghai

(cecilia@nordiccentre.org /+86 136 6181 3702).






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