
International Post-Doctoral Program (IPP)


Tongji University


the University of California, Berkeley



A new International Post-Doctoral Program (IPP) has been launched to encourage young scholars in collaborative scientific research of mutual interest to Tongji University and the University of California, Berkeley. Research can be conducted at either or both sites in one or more of the following areas.


Civil Engineering,

Environmental Engineering,

Transportation Engineering,

Material Science and Engineering,

Mechanical Engineering,

Ocean and Earth Sciences,

Architecture and Urban Planning,

Economy and Management,

Biological and Medical Sciences


Funding is provided by Tongji University, requiring that applicants be under the age of 40, with a minimum TOEFL of 95 or IELTS of 6.5 if non-native English speakers.  Successful candidates will be chosen by a joint Faculty Advisory Board and appointed to a two-year term, which can be renewed once, under contract with the Human Resources Office of Tongji University.

Applicants should send a full curriculum vitae, along with two recommendation letters, to Ms. Jing Li at





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