【工商管理系创新与创业讲座】Value Creation through Innovation and HiTech-Marketing Programs

Topic: Value Creation through Innovation and HiTech-Marketing Programs

Speaker: Prof. Edward G. KRUBASIK

Time: 13:30, April 21st, 2016

Venue: Room 309, Tongji Building A


1. Innovation Creating Value for all Stakeholders

2. Creating Value to the Customer: HTM

3. Innovation driving Cost Reduction and Growth

4. Managing Innovation Uncertainties: Lessons learnt

5. Lessons for Start-up Entrepreneurs Investors

Short bio

Edward G. Krubasik, Prof. Dr. rer. nat., MBA, studied physics at the universities
   of Erlangen-Nuremberg and Karlsruhe in Germany. After obtaining a doctorate in nuclear
   physics and following research projects at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
   in California he completed an MBA program at the European Institute for Business
   Administration (INSEAD) in Fontainebleau, France. He worked as partner and director
   at McKinsey Co., Inc. for over twenty years, where he was in charge of McKinsey’s
   global Innovation and Technology Management Practice and the European Electronics,
   Telecommunications and Aerospace Sector. As an industry executive, he has been teaching
   at INSEAD Business School in France in courses for non-executive directors and in
   the MBA program and teaching in the MBA and EMBA program. Most concepts and cases
   are based on experience from decades of work as Consultant, Executive and Board
   member in manufacturing industries.


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