
Seminar 1: Contemplations of the current international entrepreneurship literature

Seminar 2: How to pursue high-quality publications

演讲人: Prof. Pavlos Dimitratos英国格拉斯哥大学国际商务教授

时间: 2016年5月17日, 下午1:30 – 3.00 (Seminar 1)

2016年5月18日, 下午1:30 – 3.00 (Seminar 2)

地点: 同济大厦A楼 308 教室


Seminar 1:

The visiting professor will discuss his publications over a 12-year period reflecting the trends in small firm internationalization, international entrepreneurship and multinational enterprise entrepreneurship literature streams; and, possible insights for future research.

Seminar 2:

The professor will discuss the elements of what makes up a high-quality paper in terms of introduction, methodology, analysis etc. Participants will shortly present topics of working papers and the visiting researcher is going to subsequently comment on those.


Prof. Pavlos Dimitratos为英国格拉斯哥大学国际商务教授,目前担任英国管理学术协会年度大会(从2014年起)国际商务方向主席以及欧洲国际商务年会国际企业和战略方向合任主席。就发表量而言,他是国际创业研究领域排名第二的学者。发表论文于Journal of Management Studies, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, British Journal of Management, Journal of World Business, Journal of Business Ethics, International Business Review, Long Range Planning等学术期刊。


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