【2019年7月24日】【管理科学与工程系学术讲座】共享交通的多目标动态在线匹配 Multi-Objective Online Ride-Matching


题  目:共享交通的多目标动态在线匹配

Multi-Objective Online Ride-Matching


时  间:2019年7月24日上午10:00-11:00

地  点:同济大厦A楼208教室 


We study the multi-period multi-objective online ride-matching problem, where the ride-sourcingshared transportation platform needs to match passengers and drivers in real time without observing future information, considering multiple objectives such as pick-up time, platform revenue, and service quality. We develop an efficient online matching policy that adaptively balances the trade-offs between multiple objectives in a dynamic setting and provide theoretical performance guarantee for the policy. We prove that the proposed adaptive matching policy can achieve the solution that minimizes the Euclidean distance to any pre-determined multi-objective target. Through numerical experiments and industrial testing using real data from a ride-sourcing platform, we demonstrate that our approach is able to obtain a delicate balance between multiple objectives and bring value to all the stakeholders in the ride-sourcing ecosystem comparing to benchmark policies: (1) drivers providing better service earn higher incomes; (2) passengers receive better service at the expense of a small increase in pick-up time; (3) the platform obtains a higher total revenue.


Dr. Wang Hai received a bachelor degree from Tsinghua University, dual Master’s degree in operations research and transportation from MIT, and Ph.D. from MIT Operations Research Center. He is now an Assistant Professor at Singapore Management University, and will visit and teach at Carnegie Mellon University from this fall. His research has focused on methodologies on operations research, data-driven modelling, computational algorithms, and machine learnings,and relevant applications in urban, transportation, logistics, and healthcare systems. Particularly, he is interested in on-demand service and shared transportation. He has papers published in Transportation Science, American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. He is serving as the guest-editor for the Special Issue on Innovative Shared TransportationinTransportation Research Part B, as reviewer for more than 20 academic journals, including MS, TS, M&SOM, POM,etc, and named as Chan Wui&Yunyin Rising Star Fellow in Transportation. During his Ph.D. at MIT, he also served as the co-President of MIT Chinese Students & Scholars Association and Chair of MIT-China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum.


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