【2020年6月08日】【管理科学与工程系学术讲座】Beyond the Block: A Novel Blockchain Technical Model for Long-term Care Insurance 针对长护险的区块链技术模型


题目:Beyond the Block: A Novel Blockchain Technical Model for Long-term Care Insurance;


演讲人:Qiqi Jiang, Assistant Professor,Copenhagen Business School
会议号: 926 695 00084 会议密码:851114 


Insurance business is characterized by document intensive workflows and complicated interrelationship because of numbers of stakeholders involving in various activities. Given that, the greatest challenge is to effectively authenticate the files submitted by different stakeholders. Although blockchain affords potential to reshape the insurance industry due to its advanced security and trustworthy mechanism, there is still a long way to go. Two technical challenges should be dealt with when applying blockchains to the insurance sector, i.e. representation of business interdependence and authentication of private information. To address these two challenges, we propose and design a blockchain-based technical model, InsurModel, for a recent initiative of long-term care insurance (LTCI) in China. We utilize a series of cryptographical methods to 1) represent the business interdependence in the blockchain, and 2) verify confidential business information without any disclosure. We also demonstrate the scalability of our designed model through computational experiments and evaluations. 


Qiqi Jiang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Digitalization, Copenhagen Business School. He obtained his PhD degree from Department of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong. His research interests include: IT-enabled innovation (e.g. open-source software community, mobile app marketplace, and crowdfunding platform), strategic impacts of information technology, and IT design and evaluation. His research has appeared, or will appear, in several reputable IS journals and conferences, such as MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, and Information & Management, among many others.


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