【2021年3月23日】【经济与金融系学术讨论会第116期】Regional Policy Spillovers and Complementarity in the Great Lockdown



题目:Regional Policy Spillovers and Complementarity in the Great Lockdown

主讲人:何超(华东师范大学 助理教授)

摘要: Nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) are a primary tool against pandemics. Should regional governments coordinate? If so, how? The answers depend on spatial spillovers and complementarity or substitutability of regional NPIs. This paper estimate the spillover effects of stay-at-home (SAH) orders on COVID-19 infection growth across out-of-state adjacent counties in the United States. We find that the spillover effects critically depend on the local implementation of SAH orders. With local SAH orders, the spillover effects reduce the daily case growth rate by 5.1 percentage points in the first three weeks of treatment, with an accumulative case reduction of 66.6 percent; otherwise, the spillover effects slightly increase the growth rate though statistically insignificant. Such strong complementarity suggests that NPIs are best implemented jointly, and there may be coordination failures among regional governments.


何超博士于美国的 University of Wisconsin-Madison大学获得经济学博士学位,现在是华东师范大学的助理教授。他主要研究领域是宏观经济学,尤其关注货币和银行的理论和宏观劳动经济学。何超博士的成果发表在国际一流的经济学期刊Review of Economic Dynamics, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking,以及Journal of Economics等杂志上。




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