【2023年3月29日】【组织管理系(筹)学术讨论会】Ecosystem strategy, demand-side dynamics and RBV

题目: Ecosystem strategy, demand-side dynamics and RBV

演讲人: 石先蔚,上海交通大学安泰经管学院

时间:2023年3月29日 13:30-15:00



While superior supply-side resources can lead to a competitive advantage, we know less about how resource-poor organizations become competitive, in particular through leveraging the demand side. Although studies have explored how demand-side value is captured by focal firms through cultivating ecosystems. less attention is accorded to resource-constrained complementors that, unlike focal firms, lack architectural control to set the rules for extracting value. How do such complementors make up for the lack of both supply-side resources and architectural control to gain an advantage? We conducted a longitudinal study of Xiaomi, launched in 2010 as a smartphone software complementor in the Android ecosystem that created a derivative ecosystem to gain architectural control over its offerings while remaining a complementor within Android. We show how a resource-disadvantaged firm deploys demand-driven strategies to garner supply-side resources by onboarding reputable firms. We extend a “demand-side ”view to explain how firms with mundane resources leverage underserved users to co-create value and then use “ demand pull ” to mobilize key supply-side resources. This complements supply-side mechanisms of value creation through deploying firm-specific or inter-firm resources. Finally, we propose a distributed agency view of an evolving ecosystem structure – shaped not just by focal firms, but also by resource-disadvantaged complementors.


石先蔚,清华大学学士 (2013),英国剑桥大学硕士 (2014) 和博士 (2019)。研究兴趣聚焦在企业和区域的创新与创业生态系统,以中国企业为案例并使用质性研究方法,论文已发表在Research Policy, Management and Organization Review, Small Business Economics等创新创业领域国际顶尖刊物,获得ESI高被引论文及热点论文。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和教育部人文社科青年项目,获得上海市浦江人才计划和上海市晨光计划资助。承担本硕博和MBA等多项课程教学,获得安泰2022年最受本科生欢迎教师和最受MBA欢迎教师奖。



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