




  • 2012-2016 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院管理科学与工程专业 管理学博士
  • 2010-2012 哈尔滨工程大学经济与管理学院企业管理专业 管理学硕士
  • 2006-2010 哈尔滨工程大学经济与管理学院国际经济与贸易专业 经济学学士


  • Hui Jiang, Paul Messinger, Yifei Liu, Zhibin Lu, Shuiqing Yang, Gang Li. Divergent versus relevant ads? How creative ads affect purchase intention for new products. Journal of Marketing Research, 2024, 61(2): 271-289.
  • Jianrong Yao, Xiangliang Guo, Lu Wang, &  Hui Jiang. An Evolutionary Game and System Dynamics Approach for the Production and Consumption of Carbon-labeled Products—Based on A Media Monitoring Perspective. Journal of Environmental Management , 2024, 360: 121154.
  • Shuiqing Yang, Wei Xie, Yuangao Chen, Yixiao Li, Hui Jiang, & Wangyue Zhou. Warmth or competence? Understanding voice shopping intentions from Human-AI interaction perspective. Electronic Commerce Research, 2024, forthcoming.
  • Yu Wang, Hui Jiang, Mingle Zhou, & Gang Li. How top leaders’ support affects open government data (OGD)-driven innovation capacity of firms: Based on the TOE framework perspective. Journal of Management & Organization, 2024, forthcoming.
  • Hui Jiang, Kaichao Wang, Jiahui Bian, Yuangao Chen, Shuiqing Yang, Shasha Zhou, & Gang Li. Exchange versus communal: How brand relationship types affect brand extension evaluation. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 2024, 23(1): 47-75.
  • Xinjia Tong, Yuangao Chen, Shasha Zhou, Shuiqing Yang, & Hui Jiang. Do atmospheric cues matter in live streaming e-commerce? An eye-tracking investigation. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2023, 62: 101334.
  • Suli Wang, Hui Jiang, Kaichao Wang, Chuanmei Zhou, Jiahui Bian, Jianrong Yao, & Gang Li. When will government information be attractive? The effect of information features on the diffusion of government microblogs. Telematics and Informatics, 2023, 78: 101938, 1-12.
  • Wangyan Jin, Yuangao Chen, Shuiqing Yang, Shasha Zhou, Hui Jiang, & June Wei. Personalized managerial response and negative inconsistent review helpfulness: The mediating effect of perceived response helpfulness. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2023, 74: 103398.
  • Hui Jiang, Suli Wang, & Jianrong Yao. Structuration analysis of e-government studies: A bibliometric analysis based on knowledge maps. Journal of Information Science, 2022, 48(5): 676-685.
  • Jianrong Yao, Zhongyi Wang, Lu Wang, Meng Liu, Hui Jiang, & Yuangao Chen. Novel hybrid ensemble credit scoring model with stacking-based noise detection and weight assignment. Expert Systems with Applications, 2022, 198: 1-12.
  • Gang Li, Mingle Zhou, Zhengqian Feng, Min Li, & Hui Jiang. Research on key influencing factors of e-government cloud service satisfaction. Wireless Personal Communications, 2022, 127(2): 1117-1135.
  • Jianrong Yao, Zhongyi Wang, Lu Wang, Zhebin Zhang, Hui Jiang, & Surong Yan. A hybrid model with novel feature selection method and enhanced voting method for credit scoring. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2022, 42(3): 2565-2579.
  • Lu Wang, Yuangao Chen, Hui Jiang, & Jianrong Yao. Imbalanced credit risk evaluation based on multiple sampling, multiple kernel fuzzy self-organizing map and local accuracy ensemble. Applied Soft Computing, 2020, 91, 106206: 1-13.
  • Hui Jiang, Qingpu Zhang, & Yang Zhou. Dynamic creative interaction networks and team creativity evolution: A longitudinal study. Journal of Creative Behavior, 2018, 52(2): 168-196.
  • Shuiqing Yang, Hui Jiang, Jianrong Yao, Yuangao Chen, & June Wei. Perceived values on mobile GMS continuance: A perspective from perceived integration and interactivity. Computers in Human Behavior, 2018, 89: 16-26.
  • 姜辉 & 张庆普. 基于整体涌现性的团队创意能力模型及实证研究. 系统工程, 2015, 9: 16-24.
  • Hui Jiang & Qingpu Zhang. Development and validation of team creativity measures: A complex systems perspective. Creativity and Innovation Management, 2014, 23(3): 264-275.
  • 赵忠伟, 姜辉, & 徐建中. 基于持续创新视角的企业核心竞争力评价研究:理论与实证. 情报杂志,2011. 30(7): 77-81.


  • 2024年1月-2028年12月,主持研究国家社会科学基金青年项目《绿色创意网络视阈下乡村小微企业绿色创业绩效提升机制与策略研究》(23CGL009);
  • 2023年1月-2025年12月,主持研究教育部人文社科基金项目《乡村振兴背景下绿色创意网络对家庭农场绿色创业的作用机制研究》(22YJC630045);
  • 2023年1月-2024年12月,主持研究科技部高端外国人才引进计划《绿色创意网络对新生代农民可持续创业的作用机制和提升策略研究》(G2023016004L);
  • 2019年1月-2022年4月,主持完成中国博士后科学基金项目《广告创意对新产品消费决策的影响机理研究》(2018M642472);
  • 2018年1月-2021年12月,主持完成国家自然科学基金青年项目《创意用户管理对企业复杂创意能力的影响机制研究:基于用户创意参与视角》(71704153);
  • 2021年1月-2022年12月,主持完成教育部产学合作协同育人项目《基于路径依赖的山东省区域创新能力提升路径研究》;


  • 复杂创意能力研究(专著),上海交通大学出版社,2020年9月,姜辉


  • 2023年至今,同济大学经济与管理学院,助理研究员
  • 2018-2021年,浙江大学管理学院,博士后,导师 周欣悦教授
  • 2016-2023年,浙江财经大学信息管理与人工智能学院,讲师、硕士生导师


  • 2018年9月-2019年8月,加拿大University of Alberta,访问学者,导师Paul Messinger教授
  • 2014年9月-2015年8月,加拿大University of Guelph,联合培养博士,导师Towhidul Islam教授


  • 浙江省服务业联合会数字经济专委会,副主任兼秘书长

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