

主讲:美国Depaul 大学(AACSB认证)市场营销系须俊助理教授








Jun (Jack) Xu

(As of May 2010)


Marketing Department

DePaul University

1 East Jackson Boulevard, Suite 7500

Chicago, IL 60604-2287

Tel: 312-362-8421

Fax: 312-362-5647


Ph.D. ? Marketing, University of Florida, summer 2008

        Advisor: Barton A. Weitz

M.S.  ? Management, Fudan University, China, 1998

B.S.  ? Management, East China University of Science & Technology, China, 1995



Liu, Y., Xu, J., & Weitz, B. (in press). The Role of Emotional Expression and Mentoring in Internship Learning. Academy of Management Learning & Education

Sawyer, A., Laran, J. & Xu, J. (2008). The Readability of Marketing Journals: Are Award-Winning Articles Better Written? Journal of Marketing, Vol. 72 (1), 108-117 (equal contribution)

Wang, Q., Bradford, K., Xu, J. & Weitz, B. (2008). Creativity in Buyer-Seller Relationships: The Role of Governance. International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 25(2), 109-118.

Liu, Y., Ferris, G.R., Zinko, R., Perrewé, P.L., Weitz, B., & Xu, J. (2007). Dispositional Antecedents and Outcomes of Political Skill in Organizations: A Four-Study Investigation with Convergence. Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol. 71(1), 146-165.

Research in Progress

“Salesperson Relationship Orientation and Effective Management of Buyer-seller Relationships,” (with Weitz, B., Bradford, K., & Liu, Y.), to be submitted to the Journal of Marketing

“When Should Salespeople Use Electronic Mail? A Relational Perspective*,” (with Liu, Y. & Weitz, B.), to be submitted to the Journal of Marketing.

* Finalist, ISBM Business Marketing Doctoral Support Award Competition

 “The Role of Internal Selling in Salesperson Performance,” (with Liu, Y., Weitz, B., & Bradford K.), data collection completed, in preparation for submission.

 “Relationship Orientation of Salespeople,” (with Liu, Y., Weitz, B., & Bradford K.), data collection completed, in preparation for submission.

“Effects of Emotional and Social Behaviors on Internship Success,” (with Feldman D., Liu Y., and Weitz B.,), funded by the Miller Center for Retailing Education and Research at the University of Florida, data collection completed, in preparation for submission.

 “Human Resources Management in Retailing: The Impact of Management Training Programs on Firm Performance,” (with Liu, L., Oh, H., & Weitz B.,), data collection completed, in preparation for submission.

Conference Proceedings  

Xu, J., Weitz, B., Liu, Y. & Shi, Y. (2010). “When Should Salespeople Use E-Mail? A Relational Perspective,” The Third Biennial Conference on Enhancing Sales Force Productivity in Kansas City, KS

Liu, Y., Guo, Y. & Xu, J. (2010). “Subordinate Emotional Masking, LMX and Outcomes: A Two Sample Investigation,” The 2010 Biennial Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) in Shanghai, China

Xu, J., & Weitz, B. (2009). “Marketing-Sales Integration: The Role of Mindset Differences,” The Houston Conference in Selling and Sales Management in Houston, TX

Liu, Y., Xu, J. & Weitz B. (2009). “The Role of Emotional and Social Behaviors in Retail Internship Experiences and Outcomes,” International Conference of Accounting, Business, Leadership and Information Management (ICABLIM 2009) in Shanghai, China

Liu, Y., Xu, J., & Weitz,B. (2008). “The Role of Emotional and Social Behaviors in Positive Retail Internship Experiences and Outcomes,” 23rd Annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference in San Francisco, CA

Xu, J. (2007). “Exploring Marketing-Sales Integration: The Role of Mindset Differences,” Winter American Marketing Association (AMA) Conference in San Diego, CA

Xu, J. & Weitz, B. (2006). “Mindset Differences and Marketing-Sales Integration: A Value Congruence Perspective” ISBM Bi-Annual Academic Conference: Thinking Big, Thinking Different: Contributions and Challenges in B-to-B Research in Chicago, IL

Xu, J., Liu, Y., & Weitz B. (2006). “The Influences of Emotional and Social Behaviors on College Students Internship Experiences,” Annual Meeting of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences (AABSS) in Las Vegas, NV

Xu, J., Weitz, B. & Liu, Y. (2004). “When Should Salespeople Use Electronic Email?” A Relational Perspective.” Academy of Management Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA.

Research Grant

Winner, AMA Sales SIG Dissertation Proposal Award (2006)

Research Grant Competition in Sales Research, “Exploring Marketing-Sales Integration: The Role of Mindset Differences,” (Winner of $2,000 grant)

Winner, ISBM Academic-Practitioner Challenge Proposal Award (2006)

Research Grant Competition in B-to-B Research, “Mindset Differences and Marketing-Sales Integration: A Value Congruence Perspective,” (with Barton Wetiz), Jun Xu as the Principal Investigator. (Outstanding Silver Award Winner of $10,000 grant)


Winner, AMA Sales SIG Dissertation Proposal Award (2006)

Outstanding Silver Award Winner, ISBM Academic-Practitioner Challenge Research Proposal Competition (2006)

XXIV University of Houston Annual Doctoral Symposium in Marketing (2006)

University Fellowship, Fudan University (1996-1997)


American Marketing Association (AMA)

Sales Leadership Program, DePaul University (2008-present)

Undergraduate Curriculum Development, Marketing Department, DePaul University (2010)


Marketing Manager, Shanghai Bell Alcatel Mobile Communication, Shanghai, P.R. China (1998-2000)


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