
主  题:世界前沿管理热点和AMR投稿要领

演讲者:Roy Suddaby教授 (Academy of Management Review主编)

时  间:2014523日(周五)下午15:00

地  点:云通楼三楼圆厅




演讲者简介:Roy Suddaby is the Eldon Foote Chair of Law and Society at the Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta. He is the director of Canadian Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, a Visiting Professor at the University of Uppsala, Manchester Business School and Copenhagen Business School. Roy Suddaby serves on the editorial boards of several leading management journals including the Academy of Management Review, where he is currently the Editor. His research focuses on processes of organizational, institutional and societal change and has been published in leading management journals including the Academy of Management Review, the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly and Accounting, Organizations and Society. His research has won a variety of awards including the Best Paper awards at the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly and, most recently the 2012 Grief Research Impact Award.


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