Home > By Name > Professor > ZHONG Ninghua
ZHONG Ninghua
ZHONG Ninghua


Head, Department of Economics and Finance




·   2013: PhD in Finance, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

·   2008: MA in Economics, Peking University, China Center for Economic Research

·   2005: BA in Economics with highest distinction, Fudan University, School of Economics

Teaching Positions

  • 2017-Now  Head, Department of Economics and Finance
  • 2015- Now Professor, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University
  • 2013-2015 Associate Professor, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University


  • Applied microeconomics studies in the fields of labor economics, corporate finance and development economics.
  • China's economic reform and development



Selected Publications



Sponsored Research Projects

  • “Privatization, Corporate Governance, and Labor Welfare,” National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Number: 71402123; Amount: 210,000 RMB), Jan., 2015–Dec.,2017.
  • “Hukou Restriction, Housing Marketization and Chinese Households’ Low Consumption,” Shanghai Pujiang Program: 2014 Excellent Talents (Grant Number: 14PJC104; Amount: 100,000 RMB), Sep., 2014–Aug., 2016.
  • “Capital Structure and Corporate Governance of Chinese Firms,” Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities: 2013 (Grant Number: 1200219243; Amount: 110,000 RMB), Sep., 2013–Aug., 2016.


Other Professional Experience

  • Research Affiliate, China Research and Policy Group, University of Western Ontario, February 2011–present
  • Invited and appointed by Prof. John Whalley, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and Fellow of the Econometric Society
  • Research Assistant, Development Research Center of the State Council of China, August 2007–August 2008
  • Worked under Prof. Xia Bin, Head of the Research Institute of Finance
  • Worked on the project titled “The Role of China in the Future International Monetary System
  • Project Assistant, International Finance Corporation of the World Bank Group, Jul 2006-Aug2007
  • Worked on the project titled “The Sustainability of the Private Sector in China”


I teach both English- and Chinese-language classes. Evaluations of exchange students (mainly from Europe) consistently rank my courses among the top two English-language courses offered at the business school where I have worked. I was Instructor for the following courses:

  • Advanced Topics on China’s Economic Reform and Development (in English), for exchange graduate students, Tongji University, Spring 2014/2015
  • Fundamental of Corporate Finance (in English), for exchange undergraduate students, Tongji University, Fall 2013/2014
  • Corporate Governance of Chinese Firms (in English), for 22 entrepreneurs from Africa, joint MBA Program of Chinese Economy and Global Trade, July 2015
  • Empirical Studies on China’s Economic Reform and Development(in Chinese), for graduate students, Tongji University, Fall 2012
  • Ethics and Governance(both in Chinese and English), for business professionals, Australia CPA Training Program,Tongji University, Fall 2012
  • Fundamentals of Corporate Finance(in English), for undergraduate students, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Summer 2012

I was Teaching Assistant for the following courses:

  • Advanced Topics in Financial Management, MBA course, for Prof. Tim Adam, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Fall2011
  • Advanced Derivative Security, MBA course, for Prof. John Wei, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Spring 2011 and 2012
  • Derivatives Analysis, MBA course, for Prof. Jonathan A. Batten, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Spring 2011
  • Derivative Security, undergraduate course, for Prof. Sophie Ni, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Spring 2010
  • Derivatives Analysis, MBA course, for Prof. JieGan, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Fall2009 and 2010
  • Intermediate Econometrics, undergraduate course, for Prof. Chia-ShangChu, Peking University, Spring 2007
  • New Institutional Economics, undergraduate course, for Prof. Qiren Zhou, Peking University, Fall 2006

I was Thesis Supervisor for the following doctoral candidates: Mengying Yan, Wenhao Tan, Xuan Li. I also supervised the theses of several undergraduate students in double-degree international programs: Christopher Frank (Germany), and Patrice Philippe Toussaint (Germany).




From the Shanghai Pujiang Program:

  • Excellent Talents Award, 2014

From Hong Kong University of Science and Technology:

  • Postgraduate Studentship, 2008–2013

From the China Research Development Foundation:

  • Scholarship for Research on China’s Development, 2007

From Peking University:

  • Scholarship for Innovation in Academic Research, 2007
  • Excellent Leader of China’s Youth League, 2007
  • Social Activities Award, 2006

From Fudan University:

  • Fudan “Self-Dependence” Scholarship for Academic Research, 2005
  • People’s Scholarship, First Prize, 2003–2005
  • Unilever Scholarship for Outstanding Students, 2004
  • Chun-Tsung Scholarship for Outstanding Undergraduate Researchers, 2004
  • Excellent Member of China’s Youth League, 2003
  • People’s Scholarship, Second Prize, 2001–2003

From the Shanghai Municipal Government:

  • Outstanding University Graduates Award, 2005
  • Outstanding High School Graduates Award, 2001
X Thank you for your interest in Master of Global Management, Tongji University!