Home > Newspaper > 【Financial Times】ESCP Europe and Tongji join forces to teach global degrees

【Financial Times】ESCP Europe and Tongji join forces to teach global degrees

Tue, Nov 19, 2013

ESCP Europe and the school of economics and management of Tongji University, in China, have signed a wide-ranging agreement under which the two business schools will run a series of joint programmes, collaborate on research and share teaching facilities.
In particular, the two schools will combine forces to teach double-degree masters programmes and are expected to launch a joint Executive MBA programme in 2014 – Tongji already teaches a joint EMBA programme with Mannheim Business School.
In September 2014 the two schools will launch an executive programme in Smart Cities with Insper Business School in Brazil. The certificate programme, Management of Urban Smart Territories (Must) is designed to give a global vision of Smart Cities and share the best theories and practices from the public and private sectors.
The initial programme, which will be taught in three sessions in Asia, Europe and Latin America, is expected to attract around 30 top managers. The schools hope to develop the programme into a degree in subsequent years, according to ESCP dean Édouard Husson. ESCP has campuses in Paris, London, Madrid, Berlin and Turin.
By Della Bradshaw
Original: Financial Times        https://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/10bd4ae4-5078-11e3-9f0d-00144feabdc0.html?ftcamp=published_links%2Frss%2Fbusiness-education%2Ffeed%2F%2Fproduct#axzz2l4vsIsEr
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