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Postgraduate Program

Wed, Jun 29, 2016

Master Candidates

1. Double-degree Programs

Two institutions will exchange an agreed-upon number of students to study in the partner institution for at least one year. Provided the exchange student finishes all the courses and meets all the requirements in both institutions, he/she will get Master degrees from both institutions.


2. Non-degree Exchange Programs


Students from SEM partner institutions could apply for non-degree exchange programs based on the exchange agreement between the two institutions. All credits received in two institutions are mutually accepted. There are some spaces for free movers to apply. Please refer to the Tuition Fee Information

3. International Master Degree Program in Enterprise Management: English-taught, 2 years.


Tongji SEM Admission requirements for International Students

  • The international candidates shall be officially registered as postgraduate students and pursue their master degree in the home institution.
  • Academic Transcript from Home University:GPA 3.0 and above (full mark is 4), corresponding to 3.75 of 5 in Tongji University
  • English Proficiency (choose one)- for non-native speakers of English:
    • TOEFL Paper-based 550, Computer-based 213/ Internet-based 79,
    • GMAT 600,
    • GRE 1250 (V+Q)
    • IELST 6.5
    • Or other equivalent score (for more details, please enquire the program coordinator)


For students from Partner institution: In order to be accepted to Tongji SEM as an exchange student, you must first contact the International Relations Office at your home university to learn the conditions of applying to the Exchange Program. Tongji SEM will not accept you as an exchange student unless you are nominated by the International Office at your home university.
For students from Non-partner institution:We also welcome students from Non-partner Institutions to apply as Self-financed Non-Degree students. Tuition Fee Information

Information on Required Credits for Postgraduates

  • Tongji Master has two fields available for research: (A)Corporate Management and (B)Technology Economics & Management; C) Management Science and Engineering
  • Double Degree Exchange students are required to acquire 40 Tongji credits so as to achieve Tongji Master Degree;
  • Non Degree Exchange students are advised to take business courses of minimum 8 Tongji credits per semester;
  • The courses listed on the following pages might be subject to change due to different semesters, special needs and cases.

Information on Required Credits

for TONGJI Master Diploma

  • Course credit requirement


Master Double Degree Program Min. required credits
Chinese 6*2 semesters
Survey of China 3
Degree core courses (Compulsory) 13
Non-degree?courses 8
Academic Norms 1
Thesis Proposal 1
Internship 2
Total credits 40

During the semesters at Tongji SEM, the Degree-seeking international students are asked to reach minimum 40 Tongji credits, in which the students should pass all degree courses(Chinese, Survey of China, Degree core courses), but can fail in non-degree courses in condition that their non-degree course credits are enough for the TONGJI diploma.

  • Requirement on Intern and thesis

To finish intern of at least 3 months (2 Tongji credits);

-To submit a thesis in English with English abstract, and defend successfully your thesis;

Course List – Postgraduate Students

Academic Year 2018-2019

No Course Fall Spring Hour Credit
1 # Survey of China 51 3
2 # Chinese 108 6
3 # Academic Lectures and Seminars 36 2
4 *Technology Innovation and Management 36 2
5 Business Ethics 36 2
6 Operations Management 36 2
7 Project Management 36 2
8 Project Investment and Financing 36 2
9 Entrepreneurship 36 2
10 Urban and Real estate Development in China 36 2
11 Topics on China Economics Reform and Development 36 2
12 Corporate Finance 36 2
13 Advanced Operations Research 54 3
14 *Managerial Economics in China 54 3
15 *Management in China 36 2
16 Business Research Methods 36 2
17 Strategic Management 36 2
18 *Intermediate Economics 54 3
19 *Organizational Behavior 36 2
20 Financial Management in China 36 2
21 Human Resource Management 36 2
22 Marketing in China 36 2
23 *Advanced Management 36 2
24 *Research Methodology for Management 54 3
25 *Applied Statistics 54 3
26 Logistics & Supply Chain Management 36 2
27 *Econometrics 54 3
28 Management Information System(II) 54 3
29 Investments 36 2
30 Production Scheduling Management 18 1

Remarks:The courses listed might be subject to change with different semesters, special needs and case.

X Thank you for your interest in Master of Global Management, Tongji University!