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Masters Graduates of Corporate Management Class 2009 Successfully Organized a School Reunion to Commemorate 10 Years Graduation Anniversary

Fri, May 17, 2019

On May 11th, 2019,Tongji SEM welcomed MBA alumni enrolled in the year of 2006 to celebrate their 10th graduation anniversary.

At 10 a.m., the alumni arrived at the meeting point. Ten years has slipped through the fingers, they stood by the Tongji Guoli Monument, recalled their past memories and stayed together with their classmates and filled with joy and excitement. They all dressed in customized T-shirts when taking group photos, which symbolize their past ten years and hopes for the future.

In the afternoon, the alumni visited the Tongji University History Museum. After listening to the volunteers’ introduction, they got a better understanding of Tongji’s history, which they felt so proud of. Back to Tongji SEM, they looked back at the old pictures in the classroom, jointly recalling their vivid school life. They talked about their life and work in the past ten years and heatedly shared their thoughts. All of them expressed their gratitude for their Alma Mater and Tongji SEM.

The reunion might be short, but the alumni said they felt so good to be back to school again. Once again, they expressed their sincere gratitude for the support of Alumni Council of Tongji SEM and wished Tongji SEM a brighter future.




(Provided by: Alumni and Corporate Cooperation Office)


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