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Tongji SEM visited CEIBS

Wed, Jan 17, 2024

On Jan 17th, Professor SHI Qian, Party Secretary of Tongji SEM, Professor XIE En, Excutive Dean of Tongji SEM, Professor WANG Hongwei, Deputy Dean of Tongji SEM, Professor LIANG Jian, Vice-President of Advanced Institute of Business of Tongji University, and Professor SHOU Yuexian, Director of Marketing and Promotion Office and Deputy Director of MBA/EMBA Centre of Tongji SEM visited CEIBS. Professor WANG Hong, Dean of CEIBS, Professor Frank BOURNOIS, Deputy Dean and Provost, Professor ZHANG Weijiong, Chinese Provost, Professor MA Lei, Party Secretary, Professor XU Huijuan, Assistant to the Dean and Director of the Provost’s Office, and Professor LI Yuanyuan, Assistant to the President and Director of the Dean’s Office received our delegation.

Professor WANG Hong, Dean of CEIBS, expressed her warm welcome to the delegation of Tongji SEM and introduced the history, system, teaching characteristics and faculty of CEIBS. Professor ZHANG Weijiong, Deputy Dean and Chinese Provost of CEIBS, elaborated on the eight strategic objectives of CEIBS in the face of the new situation of management education; Mr. Frank Bournois, Deputy Dean and Provost of CEIBS, who has served as Executive Dean and Provost of ESCP in France, one of the world’s top business schools, said that the cooperation with Tongji SEM has a long history and is looking forward to more cooperation between CEIBS and the School in the future. Professor Frank BOURNOIS, Deputy Dean and Provost, who has served as the Executive Dean and Provost of ESCP in France, one of the world’s top business schools, said that ESCP has a long history of cooperation with TONGJI SEM, and that he is looking forward to more co-operation between CEIBS and Tongji SEM in the future. Afterwards, Professor SHI Qian, Party Secretary of Tongji SEM, expressed his gratitude to CEIBS for its warm reception and hoped that both sides would carry out in-depth exchanges and cooperation on major scientific research topics, think-tank construction and case studies, etc. Professor XIE En, Executive Dean of Tongji SEM made a comprehensive introduction of the School in terms of disciplinary development, team building, internationalization, professional degrees and development strategies

The visit strengthened the cooperation and exchange between the two schools, enhanced mutual understanding in terms of faculty, talent cultivation, mode of operation and characteristics, and discussed the experience and challenges in the development process of business schools. As famous business school in Shanghai, both schools are looking forward to more opportunities for learning and exchanges as well as in-depth cooperation.



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