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Reunion of 1989 Alumni Successfully Held in Tongji SEM

Fri, Jul 05, 2019


On June 29, 2019, Tongji SEM welcomed alumni enrolled in 1989 to celebrate their 30th admission anniversary. Coming all the way from across the country, our alumni arrived at Tongji University in their blue commemorative T-shirt early in the morning to start their journey of reunion.

At their first stop, the “Alumni Home” in Xuri Building, alumni had a unique dialogue with their former teacher, Mr.WEI Longxiang, and teachers from Alumni and Corporate Relations Office and Student Affairs Office. The meeting was hosted by WANG Haiyan, Associate Professor of Economics and Finance of SEM, who is also an alumna of 1989.

Approaching their fifty, the ups and downs alumni have gone through shaping them into the mainstays of various industries. “We have an excellent class. Everyone responded actively once the activity was initiated,” said Mr. QI Wei, the monitor and initiator of this reunion. Launching a special project called “Alumni Take You Home”, the alumni representatives donated to the general party branch of SEM to fund the poor students of our school to go back home in summer vacations. “Since poor students make up quite a large part of our school, we are short in funds. The donation made by alumni can play an exemplary role, and lead us to move ahead in the same boat with solidarity and help anyone in anyways we can. I hope this spirit can be passed on for long”, saying this, WANG Lina, Secretary of Youth League Committee extended gratitude to alumni on behalf of Tongji SEM.



Alumnus PAN Xiaozhen added donation on the spot;

Director WU Boning accepted the donation on behalf of Tongji SEM

During the dialogue, alumni recalled their campus years all together, feeling that being able to study in Tongji SEM itself is a recognition of themselves. Saying that “30 years are such a long time”, teachers of Office of Alumni-Corporation Relations invited alumni to come back home more often. After the meeting, alumni went to dining hall for lunch. The familiar smell brought everyone back to several decades ago, when they would rush to the dining hall right after the school bell and eat with pleasure and laughter. Then, alumni went to visit the new office building and history museum of Tongji SEM. Seeing Tongji SEM rank top domestically in terms of discipline development, scientific research, and international communication with global reputation, alumni felt proud of the home school and of being a member of it.


The last stop of this reunion journey was set in a classroom in Builidng A, Tongji Building, where alumni listened to the lecture of Mr. WU Juncai, senior executive and life planner, themed on Second Half of Our Lives: Continue to Shine. With 30-year experience in the transnational management sector, Mr. Wu now works in a Fortune 500 company as a member of its Greater China Strategy Committee and Director of Business Unit. Returning to classroom, alumni were no longer the young students of the past. With achievements in their respective sectors, they have their own understanding about career and life, which echoes with the speech of Mr. Wu.

The lecture marked the successful conclusion of this reunion, but it did not mean the conclusion of alumni’s connections. Thousands of kilometers separate them from each other, making this reunion seem even more precious and meaningful. With appointment with each other, they firmly believe that the ties of schoolmate will bring them together again!


Secretary Jin conferred Mr. Wu Juncai a Letter of Appointment as Tongji SEM’s corporate mentor


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