Home > School News > Professor Lars Sörqvist, Dean of the IAQ, visited SEM

Professor Lars Sörqvist, Dean of the IAQ, visited SEM

Tue, Jul 02, 2024

Recently, Professor Lars Sörqvist, Dean of the International Academy for Quality (IAQ), was invited to visit SEM and participate in a number of academic activities.

On June 15th, Professor Lars gave his first lecture “Data Quality – Key to Future Development”, which comprehensively analysed the requirements for data quality, the definition and dimensions of data quality, and strategies and governance to improve data quality. Professor Lars also shared research cases from the Data Quality Think Tank Center of the International Academy of Quality Sciences on data quality in well-known companies such as Toyota and Scania, which sparked heated discussions among the teachers and students present.

On June 17th, Professor Lars gave his second academic lecture “Quality Management Driving Sustainable Development” and discussed the critical role of quality management in promoting sustainability. Drawing on case studies gathered through the evaluation of IAQ’s Quality Sustainability Awards, Professor Lars proposed the establishment of a sustainable development planning process centered on continuous improvement.

During his visit, Professor Lars has engaged in profound discussions with Professor XIE En, Professor LIU Huchen, and Professor YOU Jianxin. Both parties expressed intentions to collaborate on initiatives such as establishing an International Quality Research Center, fostering youth talent exchange, and launching joint graduate programs.

Professor Lars also visited the Shanghai Quality Association and Schneider Electric’s industrial automation facilities for on-site visits and in-depth discussions on topics such as industry-academia-research collaboration. They explored how academic research results can be effectively applied in practical production and management to improve quality and promote sustainable development in enterprises.

The visit of Prof Lars has opened an in-depth co-operation between IAQ and SEM, in which both sides exchanged cutting-edge academic concepts and research results in the field of quality management, and at the same time SEM established a new international top academic partner for the development of the discipline of economics and management.


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