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2015 Pujiang Innovation Forum Opened on 27th October in Shanghai

Fri, Nov 13, 2015

On the 27th of October, 2015 Pujiang Innovation Forum was opened in Shanghai. Mr. Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council, sent his congratulations. Tongji SEM is one of the co-organizers.


Initiated in 2008 and jointly organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and the Municipal Government of Shanghai, the “Pujiang Innovation Forum” is an annual event focused on the theme of innovation. The forum aims to keep pace with the times, join hands with global forces for innovation, and discuss the strategies for innovation–driven growth and the construction of an innovation system. It will promote innovation with a global vision and provide a platform for communication of innovation and development, dissemination of advanced ideas, contention of academic thoughts, interaction among government departments, enterprises, universities and research institutes, release of new policies and diplomacy through science & technology.


The Forum attracted nearly 500 high-ranking government officials, well-known scholars and senior executive from academic and business circles. Prof. YANG Xianjin, Chairman of Tongji University and Prof. PEI Gang, President of Tongji University, were invited to attend the opening ceremony. Prof. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM, and other SEM faculties participated to deliver speeches.


Mr. LI Keqiang said that innovation is the current trend in the world. China is practicing the strategy of innovation-driven development, promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation and finding new engines for development. The coordination between ‘grassroots’ and elites, between big, medium-sized, small and micro enterprises for innovation gives a vigorous boost to the development of the newly emerging industries and the transformation of the traditional industries. It also helps people get rich and promotes social equity. China is willing to enhance cooperation with all countries of the world in innovation and expand global innovation network for inclusive, balanced, green and sustainable development. Li Keqiang encouraged representatives of the forum to gather wisdom and strength and enhance exchange in innovation ideas to promote common development and sustainable prosperity for human beings.


Li Keqiang pointed out that Israel is the global famous ‘Innovation Country’ and has made a number of world-leading innovative accomplishments in many scientific and technological fields. China is willing to tap cooperative potential with Israel and make the innovative cooperation focused on science and technology a new highlight and growth point in the relationship between the two countries.


Netanyahu said innovation in technologies, products and services is necessary when global economic competition is getting increasingly fierce. Pujiang Innovation Forum provides an important opportunity for experts from all parts of the world in exchange of ideas, cooperation in innovation, and research, development and production of leading technologies. The selection of Israel as the Country of Honor is the affirmation of the ever-expanding and deepening scientific and technological cooperation between Israel and China.


Mr. Wan Gang, Vice Chairman of CPPCC and Minister of Science and Technology, read the congratulatory letter of Li Keqiang at the opening ceremony.


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