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Dean’s Lunch Meeting with the Students

Wed, Nov 25, 2015

On the 9th of November, SEM Dean’s Lunch invited SEM postgraduates at Jiading Campus. Prof. Dr. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM, and Dr. ZHOU Bin, Director of SEM Postgraduate Program presented at the event. Thirty SEM postgraduates were invited. The meeting focus on the discussions of academic research, career development and campus life, three main topics.


Dean HUO introduced that SEM will invite faculties from Mathematics School to teach SPSS and MATLAB which are professional software training courses. This is a way to help the students to be more adapt to the new developing area of the society. Dr. ZHOU also answered the questions concerning North Campus which the postgraduates shall move to in their 2nd or 3rd year.


Dean’s lunch meeting is a communication bridge between students and the Dean. All the advices are very precious to Dean HUO who discuss with the students SEM further development.

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