Home > School News > 2015 Graduation Ceremony of Tongji-Case Western Reserve MBA/MSM-Finance Double Degree Program

2015 Graduation Ceremony of Tongji-Case Western Reserve MBA/MSM-Finance Double Degree Program

Mon, Dec 21, 2015

On the 13th of December, graduation ceremony of Tongji-Case Western Reserve MBA/MSM-Finance Double Degree Program was held in Tongji Building A. Management team of two schools attended and gave speech.


After the ceremony, two lectures were delivered by Mr. Majdi Abulaban, President of Delphi China, and Mr. WANG Sheng, Chief strategist from Shenwan Hongyuan Securities, China. Both are program alumni.


Tongji-Case Western Reserve MBA/MSM-Finance Double Degree Program was jointly launched by SEM of Tongji University and Weatherhead School of Management of Case Western Reserve University. According to News & World Report, Case Western Reserve University ranked the 38th in year 2014. Besides, their undergraduate financial management program was ranked No. 1 in the world by Business Week. In the double degree program, you will learn depth of knowledge in finance as well as the breadth of general management experience and knowledge. MBA degree from Tongji University, MSM-Finance degree from Case Western Reserve University will be awarded after study.


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