Home > School News > [US/Europe/Middle East/Africa]The internationalization of Tongji SEM’s education under the national strategy of “One Belt One Road”

[US/Europe/Middle East/Africa]The internationalization of Tongji SEM’s education under the national strategy of “One Belt One Road”

Tue, Dec 27, 2016

SHANGHAI, Dec. 23, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — In December, 2016, the 8th International Advisory Committee Meeting, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University was successfully held. Influential government officers, entrepreneurs, presidents of universities, deans, experts renowned in the fields of economics and management, new faculty & student representatives were present to provide consultations on crucial decision-making for SEM’s medium-long term development planning, and offer propositions for SEM’s developing strategy.


Prof. GU Xianglin, Vice President of Tongji University gave full recognition to SEM’s achievement in the international accreditations and development, “SEM has created management knowledge and develop leading professionals for the society who are capable of solving practical problems with strong social responsibilities, especially in the fields of urban development and service management.” Prof. JIN Fu’an briefed the development of SEM over the past one year regarding new faculty recruitment, output of scientific research, social contributions, alumni, international cooperation and rankings. Prof. JIN also responded to the issues raised by advisory members last year on its marketing, in which the school has established its own marketing department. When the school got the EQUIS and AACSB accreditations, hundreds of foreign and local media reported this great news. SEM has received “Best Contribution for CSR Spread” award in 2016 from PR Newswire.


The panel discussion focused on the internationalization of SEM’s education under the national strategy of “One Belt One Road”. Prof. CHEN Song first introduced the background of this national strategy of “One Belt One Road” and SEM’s willingness to help train and educate relative professionals for Chinese and international companies. Prof. REZA shared Babson’s programs in China, Russia and India which provided students with global insights and the abilities of coping with intercultural communications. Prof. WANG Guangbin suggested that SEM should work closely with big state-owned companies such as China Railway, who need management professionals while setting up oversea business. Mr. LI Ruicheng said that an academic team of SEM taking its advantages to give consultation for those companies will be much appreciated. Prof. HUO Jiazhen advised SEM IEDP Program to give management training for employees with engineering background in oversea companies. Mr. SHEN Xuejun shared SIMENS’ experience to collaborate with Malaysia and Bangladesh companies that basic foreign culture background and local law regulations should be learned before starting business to ensure smooth communication.


YAHOO: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/internationalization-tongji-sems-education-under-140000225.html


MarketWatch: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-internationalization-of-tongji-sems-education-under-the-national-strategy-of-one-belt-one-road-2016-12-23


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