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Lecture: Qualitative Research Methodology

Thu, Mar 02, 2017

Topic: Qualitative Research Methodology

Speaker: Dr Haina Zhang


Time: 10:00-11:30, March 9th 2017

Venue: Room 308, Tongji Building A


Research Design

This workshop will focus on how to design a qualitative research project and/or a qualitative research paper according to different research philosophies, such as positivism, interpretivism and criticalism. The workshop will discuss ontology and philosophy of the research, illustrated by the examples from top tier journal articles and the speaker’s research experience and projects. The workshop will address a wide range of issues in research design, including how to choose a research philosophy according to the research questions/topic, how to design a research project (including mixed research methodologies) based on a particular philosophy, and how to develop a research paper out of a research project.

Bio of the speaker:


Dr Haina Zhang is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) and PhD Director in the Department of Leadership and Management at Lancaster University Management School. She is an Associate Editor of European Management Journal and Track Chair of International Business and International Management of British Academy of Management. Haina has extensive international research experience and her research interest focuses on leadership, organizational behaviour, international business and management, human resource management, and management in China. She has a preference to bring a philosophical and sociological perspective to these topics. She has published her research in a number of world-leading journals, such as Journal of Management, Human Resource Management, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, Journal of Business Ethics, and Asia Pacific Business Review. She has been invited to give seminars, workshops and public lectures in the prestigious institutions in the world such as Chinese University of Hong Kong, Renmin University of China, Nankai University, University of Glasgow, Swansea University and University of Auckland.

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