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Tongji-Mannheim Double Degree EMBA Program Ranked the 36th Globally by Financial Times

Tue, Oct 24, 2017

On the 16th of October, Financial Times’ newest global EMBA program ranking list was released to the public. Tongji-Mannheim Double Degree EMBA Program of SEM, Tongji is ranked the 46th, which makes this program among the global top 50. This is the only Sino-German double degree EMBA program among the ranking list.


The British Financial Times is one of the most authoritative rankings in management education field, basing on the annual salary growth and aims achieved of the graduates, faculty, percentage of int’l students and int’l courses, the percentage of female students and facutly and other evaluation items. The three key items of Tongji-Mannheim program are among the global top 10: career development top 9, int’l faculty top 9 and int’l courses top 9.


Tongji-Mannheim Double Degree EMBA Program with its strong Sino-German focus responds to the growing demand for managers who can successfully navigate the challenges of both cultures. It will provide executives from around the world with the skills and tools they need for positions in international top management.


The Universities of both Mannheim and Tongji are renowned for their high academic quality, cutting-edge research and teaching excellence. They are two partners with significant experience in executive education. Moreover, both contain excellent corporate and alumni networks and demonstrate a high Sino-German affinity. Tongji-Mannheim Double Degree EMBA Program makes best use of this valuable collaboration to provide participants with the very best in EMBA education.

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