Home > Lectures & Seminars > [10/20/2017]Seminar of Department of Business Administration

[10/20/2017]Seminar of Department of Business Administration

Mon, Oct 16, 2017


Seminar of Department of Business Administration

Title: Leaders’ Work Demands, Recovery Experience, and Leadership Effectiveness

Speaker: Dr. Yiwen Zhang  

Time: 09:30–11:30 Oct 20, 2017

Place: Room 306, Tongji Building A


We develop and test a theoretical model that specifies how different types of work demands that leaders experience at their daily work may impact their recovery experience after work, which, in turn, affects their leadership behaviors and effectiveness. Specifically, we propose that leaders who experience hindrance demands (e.g., office politics, role conflict, etc.) are less likely to recover well after work. Their undermined recovery experience is linked to ineffective leadership behaviors (e.g., lassiez-faire leadership) and, for CEOs, poor organizational performance (e.g., ROA). Instead, and contrary to traditional understanding of job demands and recovery, leaders who experience challenge demands (e.g., work load, time pressure, responsibilities, etc.)  at work are more likely to recover well after work. Their recovery is linked to effective leadership behaviors (e.g., transformational leadership) and satisfactory organizational performance. We also examine the nuances of gender difference in the work demands – recovery relationships. Study 1 is a two-week daily experience sampling study of mid-level managers in an American government organization. In Study 2, we surveyed the CEOs of 592 microenterprises in Beijing, China and obtained the firms’ bank-verified performance data. Our hypotheses are largely and consistently supported by findings of these two multi-method studies.

Short Biography of Speaker:

Dr. Yiwen Zhang is an Assistant Professor of Management at Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Hong Kong. He obtained his PhD in Management from W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, and his bachelor and master degrees in Psychology and Economics from Peking University. Dr. Zhang’s research interests include work stress management, leadership, employee engagement, self and identity, and personnel selection. His research has been published in leading management journals such as the Academy of Management Journal and Personnel Psychology. Dr. Zhang is the recipient of HKU Research Output Prize in 2015 and the “Dare to Care” Doctoral Scholar Award in 2013.

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