Home > School News > 2017 Forum of Data-driven Management Innovation for Young People Held in Tongji University

2017 Forum of Data-driven Management Innovation for Young People Held in Tongji University

Thu, Nov 30, 2017

On the 25th of November, 2017 Forum of Data-driven Management Innovation for Young People, organized by Tongji SEM, was held in Yifu Building. The forum focuses on management innovation under big data perspective by inviting many well-known young scholars sharing academic research output of data-driven management innovation.

Prof. Shouming CHEN, deputy dean of Tongji SEM, made a welcome speech. Scholars and experts from different universities shared their newest research in this field, including the traditional ways of qualitative research and social network analysis, and big data ways of machine learning and text analysis. Heated discussions and interactions were made between students and invited scholars. The forum works as a bridge of communication between young scholars and well-known professors of information management who can better improve their research methods in the future.

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