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Lecture:The Value of IT Capability in Different Governance Mechanisms of Buyer-Supplier Relationships: A Multi-Method Research

Thu, Mar 15, 2018

Lecture:The Value of IT Capability in Different Governance Mechanisms of Buyer-Supplier Relationships: A Multi-Method Research

Speaker: Prof. LIU Hefu

Time: 14:00, March 20

Venue: Room 206, Tongji Building A



The purpose of this paper is to investigate how contract and relational governance moderate the relationship between information technology (IT) capability and buyer-supplier collaborative performance (BSCP), and how such relationships evolve over time in response to collaboration in buyer-supplier relationships (BSRs). This study adopts both the empirical method and simulation method. The cross-sectional data reveal that relational governance strengthens the positive relationship between IT capability and BSCP, while contract governance weakens this relationship. The longitudinal modeling finds that contract governance is superior to relational governance regarding to the value creation of IT capability. However, the advantage created by contract governance shrinks as the collaboration proceeds, finally turning to disadvantage in comparison to the situation in relational governance.

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