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Graduation Ceremony of Tongji SEM Professional Master Degree Programs

Wed, Jul 04, 2018

On the 24th of June, 2018 graduation ceremony of Tongji SEM professional master degree program was held in Siping campus. Prof. WU Zhiqiang, Vice President of Tongji University, Prof. LI Lan, Deputy Dean of Graduate School, Prof. JIN Fu-an, Senior Deputy Dean of SEM, Prof. TAO Jianlan and Prof. SHI Qian, Deputy Deans of SEM, attended the event, together with the 600 graduates and their relatives.


Prof. WU Zhiqiang, Vice President of Tongji University, made the welcome speech. He extended his best wishes to all the graduates to focus their career on China’s development, pursue further studies with Tongji spirit. All the graduates were awarded diploma. A group certificate was taken as an end of their master study.

X Thank you for your interest in Master of Global Management, Tongji University!