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SEM Students Ready for International Exchange Programs in AY 2018-2019

Mon, Jul 09, 2018

In academic year 2018-2019, 154 students from Tongji SEM will be sent to 53 partner schools around the world. There are 67 undergraduates and 87 postgraduates, among whom 55 students were selected for double degree programs and other students for non-degree exchange programs.

What is worth celebrating is that students who participated in AY 2018-2019 international exchange programs have awarded with various scholarships with the proportion of 44%. 24 postgraduate students have been awarded with the China Government Scholarship by China Scholarship Council (CSC). In fact, only 800 students are sponsored in this program across the whole country this year, and 42 Tongji students successfully get the sponsorship, among which the 24 SEM postgraduates account for 57%. What’s more, this March, CSC granted SEM with sponsorships for another three new Excellent Undergraduate Non-degree Programs. Until now, Tongji SEM has 15 CSC Excellent Undergraduate Non-degree Programs. 19 undergraduates from SEM successfully obtained this scholarship in 2018, accounting for nearly 50% that of the total number of Tongji University. Moreover, two students , who are studying in ESCP Europe, France to continue pursuing their Master’s degree, have been awarded with French Eiffel Excellence Scholarship by French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Two students have been awarded Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, who are going to study in the University of Liege, Belgium. Another two students were sponsored by WFI-Ingolstadt School of Management, Germany. In addition, SEM has endowed its own scholarship fund to sponsor students who are very excellent in academic performance but whose family has financial difficulties to go abroad to broaden their international vision. In this coming 2018-2019 academic year, SEM will sponsor 9 undergraduates and 9 postgraduates with round trip tickets and monthly living expenses .

In December 2017, International Cooperation and Accreditation office hosted international exchange program information sessions in both Siping and Jiading campus. Students who participated in exchange programs before were invited to not only give detailed introduction, share their experience of studying abroad, but also encourage students to take part in study abroad. On June 13th 2018, “Pre-departure Meeting” was held by International Cooperation and Accreditation Office in collaboration with relevant departments. Ms. TAO Jianlan, Deputy Dean for Students Affairs and Ms. Zhou Bin, Director of Postgraduate Student Affairs, delivered speech respectively on various information about the procedures of going abroad to help students to complete their study abroad safely and smoothly and grow into professionals with a global perspective.


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