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TONGJI SEM signed the agreement with Kozminski University, Poland

Sun, Sep 30, 2018

Recently, our school signed an official cooperation agreement with Kozminski University, Poland. The two parties will initiate cooperation in the fields of faculty exchange, student exchange, and joint research, etc. According to the agreement, since fall semester of year 2019, the two institutions will start student exchange at both bachelor and master level. Exchange students, upon satisfactory completion of studies at both university, will earn credits towards their degrees at their home institution. Besides, the two parties have also signed the ERASMUS+ agreement, aiming at financing and promoting students and faculty exchange.

Established in 1993, Kozminski University was formerly known as Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management. It is considered to be Poland’stop private university, and has got the triple-crown accreditations as EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA. It is the only private university in Poland withdoctoral degree and professorship granting rights. Kozminski Universityis very international, whose English taught courses accounts for 70% of the total courses. On the Financial Times ranking of 2017, Kozminski University was ranked the 64th among all European business schools, and the 1st among all Polish business schools. On the Financial Times ranking of 2018, the Master in Management program of Kozminski University was ranked top 20th around the world, and the Master in Finance program ranked 17th globally.

The delegation led by KU president visited Tongji-SEM in April 2017

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