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Master of Business Administration of Tongji SEM Rated A in National First Professional Degree Evaluation

Fri, Oct 26, 2018

The results of the first national professional degrees level assessment which is organized by the Education Steering Committee Office of the State Council and implemented by the Academic Degrees & Graduates Education Development Center of the Ministry of Education were officially released on July 26, 2018. Master of Business Administration Program of School of Economics and Management of Tongji University got A assessment and Master of Public Administration Program also entered A-level.

Authorized by the Education Steering Committee Office of the State Council, the Ministry of Education Degree Center launched professional degree evaluation pilot work in 2016 for eight professional degrees including law, education, clinical medicine (excluding traditional Chinese medicine), oral medicine, business administration, public administration, accounting, and art (music), covering the nation’s 293 units of 650 degree authorization centers’ participation.

The Academic Degree Center has formed a professional degree evaluation standard and system with Chinese characteristics after extensive research and collecting opinions from various sides. The evaluation information is obtained by public data, report from the organizations, collecting investigation information, etc., and the evaluation method is combined with objective evaluation and subjective evaluation. The evaluation results are presented in the form of “level” through accurate calculation, of which concrete method is to divide the top 75% participators into 9 levels according to the rank percentile of “the overall score of the professional degree”: the top 2% (or top two) for A +, 2% ~ 7% for A (excluding 2%, hereinafter the same), 7% ~ 15% for A -, 15% ~ 25% for B +, 25% ~ 35% for B, 35% ~ 45% for B -, 45% ~ 55% for C +, 55% ~ 65% for C, 65% ~ 75% for C -.

The assessment sticks to the reform direction of cultivating mode for postgraduates of professional degree, complying with the guideline of “guide first, quality first, prominent characteristics”. The applied education characteristics of professional degree are fully considered in the design of the evaluation indicators, the talent cultivating quality system construction is emphasized, and the students’ practical ability training, graduates career development and teachers’ ability of practical guidance is  stressed in the examination and evaluation.

The excellent performance in this evaluation is an important demonstration of the postgraduate education quality of professional degree in our school. In the future, Tongji SEM will continue to take morality and nurturing as the foundation, set “double world-classes” as the goal, hold talent cultivation as the core, and comprehensively optimize the teaching content and methods through collaborative innovation and development, explore the direction of emerging disciplines, so as to cultivate and output elite talents with innovative ability and market competitiveness for the society.

Tongji SEM

Founded in 1984, the School of Economics and Management of Tongji University is one of the first batch schools of economics and management established in China. At present, the school has obtained domestic and foreign authoritative certifications such as AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA and CAMEA. In the latest Financial Times rankings, the school is ranked eighth in Asia Pacific business school, among the top three in mainland China. Master of management (MiM) is ranked 36th worldwide, 2nd in China and the Tongji-Mannheim EMBA program ranked 46th worldwide and is the only Sino-German dual degree EMBA program on the list.

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