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“Go Global | Go Beyond” 2019 Study Abroad Fair Held Successfully at Tongji SEM

Thu, Nov 29, 2018

On November 27th, 2018, Tongji SEM successfully held 2019 Study Abroad Fair with the theme of “Go Global | Go Beyond”. It was the very first time for Tongji SEM’s International Cooperation and Accreditation Office to innovate on the form of study abroad event by combining the booth fair with exchange information briefing session. The event turned out to be a huge success by attracting more than 300 undergraduates, master students, MBA students and doctoral students to attend. Around 28 partner universities from US, UK, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Spain and the Netherlands had their representatives present at the fair, offering great face-to-face communicative opportunities for SEM’s students to learn program features, exchange policy and various scholarships information.

This fair also aimed at bringing together both incoming students and returning students in order to provide prospective students the opportunities to hear about the international programs directly from their peers. In addition, representatives from partner universities held a booth where they could answer questions from potential exchange students and they were also given the opportunities to present the brief introduction and exchange programs of their universities at the exchange information briefing session.

Prof. David Elmes, Course Director of Masters in Management and Global Energy MBA Program at Warwick Business School, UK, elaborated on the exchange standards, and the impacts of studying abroad have on one’s learning and career development. Ms. Marlene Wahlmüller, Mr. Richard Scott and Mr. Maxime Chatellier, representatives of Vienna University of Economics and Business, IE Business School, and ESSEC Business School introduced respectively on their excellent teaching conditions, high-quality exchange programs and multi-internationalized campus atmosphere. Prof. Guy Marcillat, Vice Dean of Kedge Business School, also visited the fair. After on-site communication with Tong SEM students, he commented SEM students for their overall high quality and welcomed them to study at Kedge.

Dr. ZHAO Xiaoping, an outstanding alumnus of Tongji SEM, currently faculty of Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiaotong University, shared his Ph.D study experience at Virginia Tech in US, and told students how to integrate into local life and improve the learning and life balance through his personal experience. Ms. WU Xiuzhi, Tongji University’s Foreign Exchange Department of Undergraduate College, also presented to introduce the application strategy of Excellent Undergraduate China Scholarship Council (CSC) Study Abroad Funding Program. SEM’s International Cooperation and Accreditation office also gave detailed introduction of the application process and possible problems of exchange programs.

International cooperation and exchange is one of Tongji SEM’s significant features and advantages. At present, Tongji SEM has established collaborative partnerships with over 90 renowned business schools and universities in 26 countries, creating 71 non-degree exchange programs and 29 dual-degree exchange programs for the students. This event enabled students to share international passion, strengthen their belief in learning and to serve as a better communicative platform for Tongji SEM students.

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