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Tongji SEM Ranked Top 10 Business School in Asia-Pacific Region by Financial Times

Mon, Dec 03, 2018


Financial Times released the 2018 Asia-Pacific business school rankings on December 3, 2018. Business schools from China, Singapore, India, Australia, and Korea are included in the list, out of which Tongji SEM is ranked Top 3 in mainland China for the second time and 10th in Asia-Pacific region.


The Asia-Pacific list is based on the global ranking performance of four core teaching projects, namely, master of business administration (MBA), executive master of business administration (EMBA), master of management (MiM) and two executive education programs (EE Open & EE Custom), accounting for 25% respectively, which intuitively reflect the graduate course quality and project breadth, as well as the core competitiveness of each business school.


After over 60 years’ development, Tongji SEM has formed unique cross-disciplines of economics and management, with 4 first-level disciplines of management science and engineering, business administration, applied economics and public administration. In China Discipline Ranking by the Ministry of Education in 2017, the management science and engineering discipline of Tongji SEM successfully entered A+ level among 187 participating universities, becoming one of the three strongest universities in this discipline in China. In the first national professional degree discipline evaluation, master of business administration obtained A level and master of public administration obtained A- level. Meanwhile, the school has obtained AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA, CAMEA, PMI-GAC and other domestic and international authoritative certification, enjoying a high academic reputation and social influence. Tongji SEM is committed to international cooperation and exchanges, including cooperation with HEC Paris, ESSEC Business School for undergraduate and graduate projects, University of Mannheim in Germany for EMBA dual degree program, University of Manchester Business School for MBA dual degree program, Weatherhead School of Management of Case Western Reserve University in America for MBA and financial master projects, and MILI Business School of University of Minnesota for MBA dual degree program.


Tongji SEM has outstanding performance in various international authoritative rankings in 2018. In the global best masters ranking in 2018 published by Eduniversal, an authoritative ranking institution in Europe, master of real estate has jumped to 9th and master of supply chain and logistics ranks 20th worldwide, both specialities ranking No.1 in Asia.

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