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How Does the Beautiful Female Professor of Tongji SEM Balance Work and Life? Let “Her Wisdom” tell you!

Tue, Mar 19, 2019

According to the report released by Lean in China on career and happiness index of contemporary women, 61.82% of women think that family and career are equally important and want to balance career and family.

With the fierce competition in the workplace and the trivial and complicated family affairs, more and more professional women are in a state of imbalance between career and family. Today, let us hear about how the goddess professors are able to enjoy success both in lives and in careers.


Working women’s work-life relationships should not conflict but can also add values

Professor Luo Jinlian, Professor & Doctoral Supervisor, Department of Human Resource Management, Tongji SEM

From my perspective, one’s job and career ideal should be consistent, so that one will feel meaningful to do it, and is willing to do it extraordinarily well. Therefore, one may get satisfaction from the work results, and bring this joviality to life. When sharing with family members, one can reach a consensus on work and life values with the family, and enrich and optimize the content and structure of life, making life meaningful and interesting. In return, the goal of better quality of life can enhance the motivation and vitality of work. Thus, achieving a win-win situation of work and life.

Take myself as an example, being a college teacher, my job objective must be teaching and research. Treat every student sincerely and try my best to advise students on their research fields. This is also in line with the organizational goal of my job. From my experience, I realized that when we set up a small goal that is consistent with the organizational goal (I don’t have big goals or multi-goals, oh…) as our career pursuit, and constantly strive towards this small goal, without doubt, a stop, or looking around, and never swayed by gains or losses, you will achieve your goal effectively. Once you get sense of satisfaction and professional well-being, this happiness will allow you to pursuit exquisite work and life. In the past 40 years of reform and opening-up, China has made tremendous progress. In the face of achievements, we shall neither be blindly arrogant nor improperly belittle ourselves. Looking back on the 40 years of technological reform, the basic problems have not changed, but the connotations and solutions have changed.


Don’t just try to improve yourself, but also learn how to set yourself free.

Professor Xu Weiyuan, Professor & Doctoral Supervisor, Department of Management Science and Engineering, Tongji SEM

Women have been working hard to make themselves “perfect”, and always thinking that everyone needs them all the time. I used to be like this, making every effort in work and family, until I was exhausted. Then I realized that not everything needs me. Family members, friends, and colleagues around can help me properly liberate myself. Men are better at this. They know how to distribute their work and do what is necessary at critical moments. However, women tend to work on their own, take it all, and end up with a lot of complaints.

In this world, everyone’s cognition is different. Instead of expecting others to take the initiative to understand you or do it right away by yourself, why not taking advantage of women’s good communication skills and letting people know that we need help and their help will make the situation better. Recently, I am teaching my child how to dump garbage, and communicate with my husband about sharing some simple housework. Start with these little things and let people around me be aware that I need help. Maybe in the beginning, the simple things will become more complicated, but over time, we will be free from the tedious things. In return, we will get satisfaction, comfort and pleasure both physically and mentally.


If you choose, please work hard.

Professor Liang Xiaobei, Professor & Doctoral Supervisor, Department of Marketing, Tongji SEM,

I joined Jeanswest in 1993, and was promoted from the shop manager to the vice president of Greater China in just three years (at 29 years old then). After that, feeling that I had reached the ceiling of my career, I decided to resign and study for my doctorate. From 2002 to 2007, I completed the doctoral study and post-doctoral research. After leaving the postdoctoral station, I have been a Tongji teacher and till now.

In my opinion, although working in enterprises and schools are completely different in nature, and they have different pressures and challenges, but both of them follow the same logic and approach, so do families. Although these three things point to different directions, we should clarify the logical relationship of various matters, make reasonable arrangements according to their priorities, and deal with them separately. Otherwise, we may continually be entangled in temporary and urgent matters, and fall into the state of anxiety and confusion.

But I have to say that both work and family mean a huge responsibility, once you take them, you choose to accept the stress and busyness. But if you choose, please work hard, because only in this way can you harvest its beauty.


By doing these three things, you can achieve a work-life balance.

Professor Yan Shumin, Professor & Doctoral Supervisor, Department of Organizational Management (Funding), Tongji SEM

When I studied the content related to life and work, I found that there are three main factors for working women to balance their work and life. First, “balance” is a kind of dynamic balance. Everyone has different standards of balance, so the first thing is to understand one’s feeling of balance. Combined with the characteristics of different stages of work and life, determine whether the work or life should take more time and effort, what kind of arrangement can make you feel balanced.

Our definition of balance needs to be shared with those close to us. For example, if your husband does not agree with your share of work and family, it will cause conflicts and lead to imbalances in life.

Finally, to improve efficiency, we must prioritize things according to its importance and urgency. Doing the important things within limited time, and work and live efficiently. Knowing your own balance, reaching consensus with others, and improving work and life efficiency, will make you an excellent working woman in the eyes of everyone.

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