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Graduation Series Activities Held for the 2019 Postgraduates

Fri, Apr 26, 2019

On Mar. 31st 2019, the graduation ceremony of 2019 postgraduates was held successfully in Tongji SEM. A series of activities were held for graduates, which include red-carpet show, group photo, degree-awarding ceremony and Thank-you ball.

With the banner of “Postgraduate Admission Letter” and “Master Degree Certificate” standing, blue-and-white balloon floating, the red-carpet show started in the morning at Tongji Building lobby. Graduates, holding hands with their parents or teachers side by side, set foot on the red carpet and signed their names as precious mementos.

Cherishing the memory of those days in Tongji SEM, the graduates will start a new journey of exploration and look forward to the future of a new chapter.

X Thank you for your interest in Master of Global Management, Tongji University!