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Career Development and Guidance Activities Held Successfully in Tongji SEM

Tue, May 07, 2019

In April 2019, three career development and guidance activities were launched by Career Development Center of Tongji SEM, including Online Experience Sharing Session, Employment Skills Workshop and Peer Lecture.

On April 17th, over 170 participants were attracted to attend the “Experience Sharing Session on Different Majors of Freshmen” held online. Fourteen outstanding alumni and students from undergraduates, postgraduates and Phd Programs were invited to answer questions online for freshmen who are going to choose different majors.

On April 25th, Team of Price Waterhouse Coopers Co., was invited to “Employment Skills Workshop” to share career planning guidance and business skills training for students.

On April 26th, Mr. Sascha Wirtz, Chief Information Officer of Henkel Asia-Pacific Region, Germany, gave a guest lecture on “Unique as an Advantage for Career Development”.


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