Home > School News > “Forum on Deepening Structural Reform of Financial Supply Side” Successfully Held in Tongji SEM

“Forum on Deepening Structural Reform of Financial Supply Side” Successfully Held in Tongji SEM

Fri, May 31, 2019

On May 18th 2019, “Forum on Deepening Structural Reform of Financial Supply Side” was successfully held in Tongji SEM. It is the Fifth Financial Reform and Development Forum of Tongji University, and also one of the activities of Tongji University 112th anniversary. More than 70 participants, including experts and scholars from Fudan University, Wuhan University, Nanjing Normal University, Southeast University, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai International Studies University, as well as representatives of financial institutions and enterprises, attended the forum.

During this forum, extensive and in-depth discussion has been conducted on “how to deepen structural reform of financial supply side”, and a series of trend-oriented, policy-oriented evaluation and countermeasure suggestions has been proposed.

This forum is significant to promote the disciplinary development of applied economics and finance in Tongji University, to serve the national strategy, and to enhance the social reputation and academic influence of Tongji SEM.


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