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Lecture: Representing relationships

Thu, Oct 31, 2019

Speaker: Tanya Menon 

Time: 9:00-11:00 Nov. 4th, 2019

Venue: Tongji Building Block A Room 901


She studies how people mentally represent their social relationships.  People have to make sense of a wide variety of social actors—other individuals, groups, and leaders—in order to determine who to learn from and who to trust. In order to fill in the blanks as they make decisions, people use metaphor, i.e. they borrow knowledge from one domain to understand other domains.  Her research considers the metaphors that people use to make sense of their social relationships.

She will talk about some related papers within this research program.  First, She will briefly talk about (published research) that indicates that people use spatial position to understand a leader’s social position. She will then present newer data (on a project with Catherine Shea) that indicates people’s limits in thinking in network terms.  These papers all involve a unique drawing method that goes beyond typical laboratory experiments.  By coding participants’ drawings of social stimuli, we can capture people’s instinctive mental models of social relationships without the biases of experimentally-imposed stimulus materials.  She will conclude by describing some ways that she has been using these methods in the classroom.

Speaker’s Bio:

Tanya Menon is Professor of Management and Human Resources at Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University; she was formerly Associate Professor at The University of Chicago, Booth School of Business. Her research on decision making, persuasion, negotiations, diversity, culture, teams, and networks has been cited in various media outlets including NPR, the Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, The Times of London (UK), and The Guardian (UK).  She has won multiple teaching awards (at both Ohio State and University of Chicago Booth), and has conducted corporate training, keynotes, and consulting all over the world. She is currently Associate Editor at Management Science Journal, and an elected member of her college’s executive committee.  She wrote a book with Dr. Leigh Thompson, Stop Spending, Start Managing: Strategies to transform wasteful habits (2016, Harvard Business Review Press) that was presented as a Talk@Google and used at McKinsey Academy.  Her Ted talk ( go.ted.com/tanyamenon) was named as one of the top 7 TED talks of 2018 (so far) by entrepreneur.com, and one the most popular Ted talks of 2018 (www.ted.com/playlists/682/the_most_popular_ted_talks_of_2018).


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