Home > Lectures & Seminars > A Quiet Revolution: International Trade and Women Empowerment

A Quiet Revolution: International Trade and Women Empowerment

Fri, Nov 15, 2019

Time:12:00-13:00 Nov. 19th, 2019

Venue:Tongji Building Block A Room 505

Title:A Quiet Revolution: International Trade and Women Empowerment


Specker:MAI Jiacong


This paper studies how economic openness affects the household-level bargaining power of women relative to men. Within a country, women’s bargaining power varies across regions. Using Women’s Social Status Survey in China conducted in 2000 and 2010, matched with prefecture-level trade data constructed from China Custom Data, we find that all else being equal the bargaining power of women is high in Chinese prefectures where the participation in global trade is high.

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