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Modelling and Managing Multimodal Transport Dynamics

Thu, Jun 18, 2020

Speaker: Wei Liu, Assistant Professor,University of New South Wales
Time: 13:00, 22th Jun. 2020

ZOOM: 978 789 32958 Password: 733020


This presentation will introduce an aggregate approach to model and manage multi-modal transport dynamics, which is often efficient and effective for large-scale networks.The first part of this presentation will briefly introduce how to utilize the proposed aggregate approach to address parking modelling, congestion pricing, ride-sharing, and bus dispatching problems in transport systems. The second part of this presentation will introduce more details regarding the time-dependent bus dispatching problem in a multi-modal context.In particular, the traffic dynamics over clock time is modelled through an aggregate traffic representation with flow interactions between cars and buses, and interactions between traffic in opposite moving directions. Instead of explicitly optimizing the size of dispatched bus fleet, we propose an adaptive fleet size adjustment mechanism where we have a target level of bus loading factor. This adaptive or responsive approach, by taking advantage of the doubly dynamical system proposed in the literature, adjusts the size of dispatched bus fleet over calendar time and accommodates day-to-day variations of mode choices and traffic patterns. Numerical studies show that the proposed approach can help bus operator to reduce operating cost and improve net benefit while maintaining comparable user costs for passengers.

Speaker’s Bio:

Dr. Wei Liu is an Assistant Professor at the School of Computer Science andEngineering and the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales (UNSW).Dr. Liu received his Ph.D. in transport system engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2014, and his B.Eng. in civil engineering and Bachelor of Laws both from Tsinghua University in 2010. Dr. Liu is an recipient of the Discovery Early Career Researcher Award from the Australian Research Council.Currently, his research group mainly works in transport system modelling and optimization; large-scale traffic modelling, simulation and computing; transport economics; and urban big data analytics.He has published more than 70 refereed journal/conference papers in the field of transport and computer science, including more than 24 papers in the Transportation Research Series. He was also a winner of the European Transport Innovation Challenge 2017, andreceived a Best Paper Award from the International Transportation Economics Association (ITEA) for young scholars in 2015.

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