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Tongji SEM Carries out Strategic Cooperation with Shanghai Development Park Association

Fri, Jul 17, 2020

In order to create a world-class business environment that respects the value of knowledge, and better release the innovative and creative vitality of the whole society, on July 13. Tongji SEM, together with Shanghai Development Park Association and Shanghai International College of Intellectual Property of Tongji University, held a strategic cooperation signature and opening ceremony of “Shanghai Industrial Park Intellectual Property Workstation”.

The workstation will mainly provide targeted guidance and consulting services on intellectual property rights around industrial parks and enterprises, carry out a comprehensive evaluation of intellectual property protection in the park, set up the “Shanghai Industrial Park International Intellectual Property Training Base”, and carry out a series of training on intellectual property rights. We will promote the construction of industrial alliances, promote high-quality development and industrial transformation and upgrading of industrial parks, and promote enterprise innovation and entrepreneurship and become bigger and stronger.

Shanghai Industrial Park is an important carrier to enhance the city’s core competitiveness. As an industry organization composed of more than 150 development zones, industrial parks and bases in Shanghai, the Municipal Development Zone Association will focus on intellectual property and patent protection in the future, rely on Tongji’s professional strength and research methods, jointly promote the park intellectual property evaluation, training and other work.

The ceremony also reached a basic consensus that the three parties will join hands with various institutions and organizations, such as the national intellectual property operation public service platform, the international operation (Shanghai) pilot platform, and so on, to earnestly implement the Shanghai implementation Plan on strengthening intellectual property Protection, assist and provide intellectual property training services.

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