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Tongji SEM held an Online Information Session for Innovation Incubation Zone of Mathematical Finance Program

Fri, Jul 17, 2020

On the afternoon of July 11th, an online information session for Innovation Incubation Zone of Mathematical Finance Program for the undergraduate intake of 2019 was held via the ZOOM platform.

LI Yong, Deputy Director of the Department of Economics and Finance of Tongji SEM, introduced the Innovation Incubation Zone of Mathematical Finance Program and the characteristics of its curriculum. The incubation zone focuses on cultivating students’ professional accomplishment in the new era, tamping the foundation of mathematical knowledge, setting up professional courses closely with the times, and improving the ability of mathematical modeling and analysis. The incubation zone and Tongji SEM share the implementation platform of financial projects. Students could participate in high-quality activities such as enterprise visits, financial lectures, innovative business competitions, expert reports, and so on, to broaden their horizons in practice and communication.

The seven alumni who have graduated from the zone shared their learning experience and planning from the aspects of postgraduate preparation, overseas preparation, employment preparation, internship introduction, campus life, innovative projects, and so on. They suggested that freshmen in the incubation zone should pay attention to their grade points, and that good grades will be the first stepping-stone to apply for a master’s degree and employment. At the same time, they should define their professional direction and have relevant internship experience. In addition, they also suggested that freshmen should take part in more competitions and actively take professional qualification certificates. The sharing of alumni plays a direct guiding and reference role in planning the incubation zone for students.

The mathematical finance program joined the innovation incubation zone of Tongji University in 2015. This zone focuses on training students to understand financial theory, financial modeling, quantitative analysis, and to be able to develop, design and combine new financial instruments and trading means. In the future, senior financial professionals who are engaged in scientific research, quantitative analysis, and financial management to meet the needs of a market economy with Chinese characteristics.

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