Home > Lectures & Seminars > Bayesian Nonparametric Forecast Pooling

Bayesian Nonparametric Forecast Pooling

Mon, Oct 19, 2020

Time:12:00-13:00, Oct. 22th, 2020 Thuresday

Venue:Tongji Building Block A Room 505

Speaker:Yang Qiao Assistant Professor of ShanghaiTech University




This paper introduces a new approach to forecast pooling methods based on a nonparametric prior for the weight vector combining predictive densities. The first approach places a Dirichlet process prior on the weight vector and generalizes the static linear pool. The second approach uses a hierarchical Dirichlet process prior to allow the weight vector to follow an infinite hidden Markov chain. This generalizes dynamic prediction pools to the nonparametric setting. We discuss efficient posterior simulation based on MCMC methods. Detailed applications to short-term interest rates, realized covariance matrices and asset pricing models show the nonparametric pool forecasts well.



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